As a healthcare provider, I am bound by the Health Insurance Privacy and Accountability Act (HIPAA), which controls what I can do with information about you. Here is a short version of the privacy policy I tell my clients.
Confidentiality means that I cannot reveal that you are my client or anything about your treatment or diagnosis to other people. This applies to both talking about you, and to written communication like emails.
Standard exceptions to confidentiality include:
- Records of your name and treatment are encrypted on my electronic health record system, and your name will be listed on any invoices you download.
- I consult with other licensed therapists to ensure I’m giving you the best care possible. I never share identifiable information about you while consulting.
- If you need me to talk to your insurance company, I may have to tell them your diagnosis and dates of sessions.
- Parents of clients under 18 have the legal right to access my records of their child’s treatment.
- You can ask me to share your records or discuss your case with someone else, such as a doctor or family member.
I may have to break confidentiality if:
- You or a person you know is in danger of serious immanent harm.
- A child, elderly person or disabled person is at risk of being abused.
- I am required to release your records by a judge’s court order, or as part of a lawsuit.
- My client is a minor and I have to inform their parent of a child safety issue.
- You can find more details in my Notice of Privacy Practices document, which you’ll receive when we start working together.
Your records and rights
I store encrypted notes of all therapy sessions that summarize how your treatment is going. You have the right to see these records, to ask for a copy, to share that copy with whoever you like, and to ask for the records to be modified.
This website
This website does not use cookies to track your browsing or show you ads. Information about you will not be sold or given to third parties, including any information you provide by contacting me.